Lucy Marcella McCollom

Lucy Marcella McCollom


On a beautiful Easter Sunday, April 21st of 2019, one of God’s brightest lights left this earth to shine on in Heaven. Lucy Marcella was born July 24th, 1995 in Fairfield California to Vance and Susie McCollom, and became Alyssa’s little sister.  Her name had been thought of carefully before her birth;  Lucy Marcella means “shining warrior”. She was unique from the beginning; fiercely independent, loving, and determined.  She was homeschooled for many years, and graduated from Deer Creek High School in 2013.



Lucy never knew a stranger, and would be your friend as soon as you met her. She always wanted people to feel loved and welcome.  If you needed anything, Lucy would do everything in her power to help you.

She was authentic to the very depths of her soul. She never tried to impress people;  those that know her would see her in a tee shirt, flannel, and jeans and without any makeup.  Her most striking beauty was in her terrific smile; you couldn’t help but smile yourself when you saw it.


Music was without a doubt her greatest love and source of soul expression. This was evidenced in how she diligently practiced her guitar, wrote songs from the depths of her heart, and in her worship.  She began playing in youth band as a pre-teen, and quickly advanced to the church worship band at North Pointe Church in Edmond.  Her music minister, Matt Blagg recognized her talent and passion for music, and helped to develop her talents, write music, and involve her in ministry opportunities even beyond the church.  She worked with the youth girls for a time, taught other aspiring guitarists, and was active as a worship leader at Falls Creek for her church youth group even after high school. She occasionally filled in for other music ministers at some local churches. She has written and co-written with Matt several original songs, some of which were recorded on North Pointe’s first worship album entitled A Thousand Suns.


She had an adventurous spirit and lived life to the fullest. One item on her bucket list that she accomplished was skydiving over the Grand Canyon . On the first day of college, she learned they had a flight school, and quickly changed her major from business to aviation.  She pursued a career as a pilot, earning her private license, flight instrument license, multi-engine license and flight instructor certificate.  She was active on the OSU flight team for several years, and a member of Alpha Eta Rho, Women in Aviation, and the Flying Aggies.  She began to teach at the OSU flight school following her college graduation in 2017.


Her family has been overwhelmed by the beautiful posts and legacies people have written about her, and realize that Lucy has impacted the world around her more than perhaps Lucy even realized. Without a doubt the source of her light is Jesus, in Whom she put her faith in as a young girl.  She learned as she grew in her faith that she simply cannot ever be “good enough” to earn a place in heaven.  She had struggles here on this earth that all of us have.  However, she realized that is why God sent His son as our Savior;  to be “good enough” for all of us and pay the penalty for our sin.  “For God So loved the world, that He gave His only Son that whoever would believe in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.” This gift of grace given to Lucy was eagerly received and she played out that grace in her life in the way she poured into others.  Her greatest desire in life was for her friends to know the grace and salvation found only in Christ.



Lucy is rejoicing and worshipping in Heaven now, but leaves behind so many that will miss her every day; her mother Susie Moore and step-dad Bob Moore, her father Vance McCollom and step mom Jennifer McCollom, her sister Alyssa McCollom, grandparents Gene and Betty McCollom, of Edmond, aunt and uncle Francis and Wanda Jean Baxter of Edmond, aunt Marcella Melton of Edmond, uncles Steve McCollom and Todd McCollom of Edmond, step-siblings Brandon and Alexa Land, Lucas and Alexandra Shank, Olivia Todd, Randi Moore-Dunning, Amber Bonds, Monica Moore, and numerous extended family members.


North Pointe Church has set up a memorial fund in Lucy’s honor that will give scholarships for youth to attend Falls Creek youth camp, and  to purchase musical instruments at Little Light Christian School  for underprivileged children who have incarcerated parents.  Donations can be directed here in lieu of flowers, and checks may be made out to North Pointe . Please designate “I Love Lucy” in the memo portion of the check.  To give online with card  please visit

A memorial service will be held at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, April 27, 2019 at North Pointe Church.

2 thoughts on “Lucy Marcella McCollom”

  1. Kerry Rice

    Sweet Lucy,

    I have had the privilege to only know you for only a little of a year; however, I have grown to love your many spiritual gifts that God has given you. You always had a smile on your face ready to give you best to the Lord and to others. It was an honor to work with you at North Pointe and I will never forget it. You were always a team player. Just like many others, I was devastated when I heard he news. I didn’t know what to think. I just know that God has a good Pilot and Musician in His care now. Your memory will last forever here. I will continue to think of you often. I will miss you dearly, my friend!

  2. Laura Manahan

    Vance, Susie, Alyssa and Family –

    I’m so sorry and can’t begin to imagine the pain you are feeling. The hope she and you have in Christ reminds us that this isn’t goodbye, rather see you soon. Although I didn’t know her as well as the rest of my family, I know she was such a bright shining light for or Savior and it’s obvious from all of the other things I’ve read, she lived out her faith boldly.

    You are in my prayers during this time.

    In His Love
    Laura Manahan

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