Kathleen “Kay” Laney


Kathleen “Kay” Laney

June 18, 1927 – July 1, 2014


laney kathleenKathleen “Kay” Laney was welcomed into the arms of Jesus on July 1, 2014. Kay was born on June 18, 1927 in Gem, Texas later moving to Canadian, Texas where she graduated from high school. Moving to Oklahoma City to pursue a job, she met and married L. J. “Red” Laney. Her family grew to include two daughters, Sandra Kay and Leesa Lou. She was grandmother to Matthew (wife, Elizabeth) and Jonathan (wife, Julie), the sons of Larry and Sandy McGraw and Landon (wife, Kyta), son of David Willets and the late Leesa Willets. Then, three great grandchildren were added to her brood: Lane and Levi, sons of Landon and Kyta Willets and Braylen, the daughter of Jonathan and Julie McGraw. Kay is also survived by many beloved nieces and cousins.  A dedicated first-grade Sunday School teacher at Northwest Baptist Church for many years, Kay also was a public school teacher at Heronville Elementary in Oklahoma City along with teaching in the Moore school system.

Demonstrating the gift of giving, Kay shared her energies, time, and resources with the generations of her family and with her church. Many days of her recent years found her helping to care for her two great grandsons Lane and Levi, who were the light of her life. Friends and loved ones litter the pages of her prayer journal as she lifted them to her Lord.  Active until the very end, it was rare to find Kay at home as she was often engaged with friends playing bridge and dominoes. Illustrating such energy, she celebrated her 87th birthday in Abilene, Texas on June 13. Joined by female family members, the six ladies stayed up to all hours telling stories of the “good old days”—before taking a break to go swimming.

Possessing the spirit of humility, Kay would be embarrassed to hear the accolades expressed about her. Yet, many at her church, those who lived with her, and those of her family would describe her as a great friend and an example of what it means to live like Jesus.  Faithfully involved for over fifty years at Northwest Baptist, Kay loved the body of Christ desiring for her fellow believers to share the gospel through word and service. Two days after sharing in Sunday congregational worship, she was welcomed into the heavenly worship hearing the words of Jesus–“Well done, my good and faithful servant!”

A memorial service will be held on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 2:00 pm in the Northwest Baptist Church Chapel at 3030 N. W. 23rd. Memorial donations may be given to Northwest Baptist Church or to the charity of one’s choice.

1 thought on “Kathleen “Kay” Laney”

  1. Jackson Family

    Please accept our deepest sympathy. May those precious memories be foremost in your hearts and minds during this difficult time.
    ( Isaiah 25:8)

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