Harald Martin Johnson
1962 – 2025
Harald (Harry) Johnson passed away peacefully on February 1, 2025 surrounded by his loving family.
Harry was born on March 19, 1962 in Manila, Philippines to Leonard and Maire Johnson. Harry is survived by his wife Margaret and son Caleb. He has 3 siblings, Corrie (Rico) Alleje, Steven (LeAnn) Johnson and Leila Johnson.
He graduated from Faith Academy in 1980 in the Philippines. Soon after graduation, Harry left the Philippines and came to the United States. He eventually ended up in Illinois and became a mechanic and earned Master Technician status on Toyota, Lexus and Acura. In 1986, Harry met his wife Margaret and they married in 1988. 15 years later, his son Caleb was born. Among his many roles, he was a beloved husband, father, son (“Number One Son”), brother and uncle.
Harry was an adventurer who navigated the tunnels of Corregidor Island, sailed, flew planes, and was no stranger to triple digits on a speedometer, whether on four wheels or two. Intensely interested in a myriad of subjects, Harry would immerse himself in them to become a subject matter expert on topics as wide-ranging as audiophile equipment, cutting-edge technology, firearms, and even thought-provoking ones like “Flat Earth Theory”.
“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die…” John 11:25-26
Harry miss you immensely, we had some good talks. I just can’t stand your desk chaur without you in it.you kept saying you want to be with tje Lord.well my buddy you made it i will see you one day my friend
I hadn’t seen Harry since 1981 and hadn’t communicated with him since 1982 due primarily to geography and my choice of a profession.
He was one of my three best friends in high school and I’m truly sorry we didn’t reconnect.
I’m sorry for his family’s loss.
My Uncle Harry. How do I put into words the thoughts I cannot even string together in my mind? I want others to understand the impact you had on me and my siblings, but I don’t believe it can be done. All I can say is “thank you”. Thank you for loving us, thank you for teaching us, thank you for the wild doughnuts in the snow in Scott’s parking lot, thank you for some of my best childhood memories, and thank you for loving us so much that our relationships with Christ were so important to you. You are complete and whole and with your creator. We will see you again Uncle Harry and what a reunion it will be. Until then, I think of this verse;
55 Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?
57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Corinthians 15:55,57
As a child, you would always sit me and my siblings down and talk with us about God almost every family gathering. I would literally count the seconds until you were done. As an adult and having a family of my own now, I cannot be more grateful that you did that. You had such a passionate love and relationship with the Lord that is something I strive for. You had one of the most interesting personalities with a quirky attitude and we loved you so much for that! You lifted me up in a hard chapter of my life with a hug and encouraging words that resonated with me deeply. This is a hard loss for us here on Earth but the best gain up there in Heaven. What an amazing man. We love you.
I had the honor of having Harry serve in my tech booth at North Pointe for a few years, and in that time he became I’ve of my favorite people. Truly an original, and truly enjoyed life, truly in love with Jesus and he gets to be in his forever home. Prayers for much Grace & peace Margaret & Caleb and the rest of the family. – Matt Blagg
Uncle Harry, I will miss you so much. The way you used to bounce me on your knee as a kid while we read Soldier of Fortune or some other gun magazines, to your faith in Christ. If you only knew how much of an influence you really had on my life. I thank God I had you as my family. For now, this is goodbye. Til Heaven. RIP.