Free Grief Group to Support our Community
We have organized a grief group that is available to anyone feeling they would benefit from it. It is led by Devonne Carter. This group meets the first Monday of each month at the Funeral Home. You do not need an appointment.

Many times we find ourselves after the loss of a loved one with many unanswered questions and feelings that we just don’t understand. Grief is a process and must be experienced and moved through for us to completely heal from our loss. It is evident that needing a little help through this process is very commonplace by the number of grief groups that have been organized to help us. Many people utilize these groups and have received a great deal of help and created many new friendships as well.
Grief books and pamphlets are available to you at our office. Please contact us if we can help.
Other grief groups are located throughout the Edmond and Oklahoma City metro area. We have listed a few below, but there are many others who can help. If in doubt contact your local health care professional.
If you feel you could use a little help, don’t hesitate any longer. Get in contact with a group today.
Other Grief and Recovery Groups We Recommend
- Kid’s Place
- Compassionate Friends
- Grief Share
- Calm Waters Center for Children & Families
- Grief Recovery Outreach Program – An Interrupted Life
- Baby Steps
- Kids Joining Eternity

The Kid’s Place provides a safe support group environment for children ages 5-19 and their adult caregivers.
(405) 844-5437.

The Compassionate Friends -TCF is a national nonprofit, self-help support organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to families grieving the death of a child of any age, from any cause.
There is no religious affiliation and no individual membership fees or dues are charged.

GriefShare is a support group for those who want or need comfort and healing after the death of loved one, recently or in the past.
The emotions of grief are many, varied and can be overwhelming and long lasting. Come and be a part of a group that understands what you are experiencing and shares a Christian perspective.
Edmond Church of Christ | 801 S. Bryant | Edmond, OK 73034 | 405-341-3353 | office@edmondchurchofchrist.com

Loss can bring on turbulent and frightening times for children and teenagers. Calm Waters is a support center for children and families whose lives have been changed by death, divorce or other major loss.
Northwest Office Center
4334 NW Expressway, Suite 101
Oklahoma City, OK 73116
P: (405) 841.4800

An Interrupted Life was founded to provide a variety of resources to assist people in walking through the process of recovery after traumatic life events.
315-5357 email – lossrecovery@cox.net
Mike and Pam Wanzer

BabySteps is named after the baby steps that form the long and difficult road to recovery from the loss of a child. No parent, relative or friend is immune from the pain that results from the loss of a young loved one.
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors is made up of, and provides services to, all those who have lost a loved one while serving the country in the Armed Forces.

Kids Joining Eternity is a nonprofit started by Melanie Edwards and her husband, JB Edwards.
“We are just one of many in our community who have experienced the loss of a baby. The Celtic symbol was chosen as our logo because in its purest form, it stands for eternal life. The spiral stands for growth, eternal life and movement. The whirls of the spiral stand for continuous growth and the gaps between the spirals stand for the gaps between life, death and rebirth.
More importantly, Kids Joining Eternity is a group of professionals, colleagues, moms, dads, sisters, brothers, volunteers, neighbors, family members and friends who have come together to help those who have suffered the loss of a child. It is not the act of one or two individuals, but many who help get aid to those who need it.