Dollie Marie Wagner
1936 – 2024

Dollie Marie Wagner was born on August 19, 1936 and passed from this life on March 19, 2024. She was married to “Wink” Wagner for 63 years until his passing in 2017. She raised three grateful children – Janice Samples, Glenn “Buddy” Wagner, and James Wagner with love, gentleness, and caring in abundance.
Dollie always had a gallon jug of sweet tea in the fridge for visitors and before they knew it, she would have shoved cookies or some other treat under their noses as well. Her fellowship in life was caring for others, from family, to friends, to visitors.
She also loved strawberry shakes and chocolate cake and took every opportunity to enjoy them.
Dollie did not work outside the home but instead chose to take on two of the most difficult tasks she could – raising children/caring for her husband and being a homemaker.
She was the youngest of nine children raised by her parents, Alva and Minnie Clift, with sisters Faye Harvell, Valarie Christian, and Julia Jones, as well as five brothers, Raymond, Paul, Tillman, Lorie, and Truman Clift. She was preceded in death by her husband, parents, all eight siblings, and a beloved granddaughter, Stephanie Lowrance. Dollie is survived by her three children, four grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren, and various nieces and nephews. She was dearly loved by family and friends alike and will be greatly missed.
There will be an informal graveside gathering at Whistler Cemetery, just east of Deer Creek High School on Covell, on Saturday, March 23rd at 2:00 p.m. The family invites those of you who may wish to share an experience with Dollie to do so (please try to be brief).
Dollie was my neighbor for almost 40 years and she will be missed. Everytime I think of her, I can see her smiling. She was such a joyful woman. We’d see each other at the mailbox frequently. She’d admire my flowers and I would admire hers. We each planted iris at the end of our driveways and looked forward to seeing them bloom. Dollie had the prettiest pink tall phlox beside her door and she gave me a start. Several times over the years, she had a party of home interiors and I’d go. She was a very kind and inviting person. She was such a good neighbor and friend.
May God hold her children and grandchildren close to His heart during this time.
With much love and memories,
Cecilia & James Martin