Christopher David Harms
1985 – 2023
Christopher (Chris) David Harms, 37, entered his heavenly home on September 19th, 2023. His battle with cancer ended that day as he took the hand of Jesus into his eternal home with God. We dearly miss him, yet we will reunite with him in the blink of an eye.
Chris grew up in Oklahoma but spent the first few years in Bakersfield, California. We were fortunate to adopt Chris into our family before his fourth birthday. God gave us the honor and privilege to be his family.
Chris attended schools in Owasso and Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he graduated from Union High School. Later, he would study at Ohio State University.
Chris loved to travel. He lived all over the United States, working in sales and the food industry. Both careers were a perfect fit because Chris loved being with people. After his diagnosis with cancer, he remained in the food industry, delivering food with DoorDash. It was as close as He could get to being inside a restaurant during his cancer treatments and keeping up with the ins and outs of the industry. His deep desire was to manage a restaurant one day.
Chris loved the outdoors, exploring, and discovering beautiful new places. His last trip to Hawaii was a very memorable trip with his family. If Chris could tell you anything about life today, it would be this, “Love the family God gave you, explore the beautiful places God put before you, and embrace people.”
We will miss you, Chris. You were a gift from God. We cherished your life. Thank you for making us laugh, keeping us on our knees in prayer, and loving us where we were.
Chris is survived by his parents, Dan and Tommie Harms, of Edmond; sister, Monica Harrison, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; sister, Corina Medina Vega, Bakersfield, California; and Melissa Castro, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Many aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends loved him dearly. Through his journey with cancer, Chris was overwhelmed by the love they offered him.
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones.” Psalm 116:15
God the Father is pleased to welcome His children when they arrive home.
“Behold, I see… the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” Acts 7:26
This is the only place in the New Testament where the ascended Jesus is STANDING, and it is to receive a saint coming Home. (Stephen)
“…you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of Promise…”.
God the Spirit guarantees the saint’s arrival in heaven.
And finally, from the story of Lazarus and the rich man, we learn that angels escort the saints, Home. (Luke 16:22)
Thoughts to ponder.
When Chris died, angels accompanied him; the Son rose to greet him, the Father welcomed him, and the Spirit guaranteed his arrival.
In lieu of flowers that family asks you to consider making a donation to the American Cancer Society to assist others like Christopher with Colorectal Cancer.
Memorial services will take place at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 14, 2023 at Matthews Funeral Home in Edmond, Oklahoma.
We will be live streaming this service in an effort to accommodate those people that wish to attend but are not able to. To watch the service CLICK HERE to go to our YouTube page. Click on ‘Videos’, then ‘Live Streams’.
God is by your side through the grieving and celebration of Chris going to his eternal home. I love you and praying for your sweet family 🙏🏻🤲🏻
He had the most beautiful smile and twinkling blue eyes. I’m so grateful I got to meet him. Love you all dearly. Thoughts and Prayers, Kyle and Victoria Gibson
Our deepest condolences to Tommie and Dan. You were our next door neighbors in Liberal, KS for a few years. We enjoyed you all. Chris was a fun child and I have often wondered where he ended up. We were deeply saddened to hear this new late in the game. Our continued prayers for the family.